Prize-winning C++ and C# programmer experienced in creating complex games and facilitating team communication
American Student Assistance — Project Alpha
Programmed minigames and puzzles in Unity using C#
Created tools that enable other developers to quickly replicate and customize gameplay elements
Ran code reviews with the programming team
Wrote detailed documentation for all work
Implemented models, textures, and animations
Managed source control using Plastic SCM
Helix Brawl
Managed and uploaded Steam builds
Implemented Steam achievements using the Steam API
Gathered players' in-game data using Unity Analytics
Programmed behavior of various enemy types, including a boss
Created transitions between levels, including loading screens and stats
Programmed tutorial and progression system
Temple of the Tentacle
Won first place for the theme "Discovery" in the ICGN 2021 Winter Jam
Programmed physics-based gameplay of a grappling hook mechanic
Scoped a project based on time frame and team size and abilities
Used animation events to move the player's grappling hook accurately with their sprite animation
Twilight Plague
Used A* pathfinding to determine the path of units in a grid-based movement system
Programmed all turn-based game logic
Programmed visual novel section, including events to play animations and change speaker
Implemented sprites, dialogue, animations, and sprite sheets
Spook's Candy Adventure
Won second place at the Becker College October 2020 Game Jam
Rendered an arc based on an object's projected trajectory
Created a fun explosion when an enemy is defeated, getting an assortment of colors from their sprite and turning the colors into physics objects
Enabled the throw and shoot directions of the player to be controlled by the mouse position
Simon's Cube
Procedurally generated an interactable 3D map of a cube of randomly chosen rooms so the player can select what room to go to next
Programmed and visualized the enemy's field of view using mesh generation
Programmed an effect for when enemies walk into a trap, where they would seem to explode by replacing their one large cube with smaller ones and adding random forces to each
Solely developed the game for the 2020 Becker College Asset Jam